Squint (strabismus) - incorrect position of the eye in which the visual axes parallel broken and eyes looking in different directions.
A healthy person's visual impressions of both eyes merge into one image (the so-called fusion). In marked squint this mechanism breaks down, giving rise to a double image.
The following types of strabismus:
• Latent strabismus (geteroforiya). This type of strabismus manifested periodically, under certain circumstances, such as fatigue or intoxication.Geteroforiya occurs more than 70% of the population, but only 10% occur in the related application.
• Concomitant strabismus. In this case cockeye for fixing the eye to be in any direction. At the same time the visual axes of both eyes can not be directed to a single object. This type of strabismus occurs most often in children in the first two years of life.
• Paralytic strabismus. Strabismus is caused by this type of paralysis of the eye muscles caused by damage to one or more nerves.
Depending on the type of bias also isolated convergent, divergent, vertical and mixed strabismus.
Strabismus - is not only an aesthetic defect, it may be accompanied by headaches, sharp pain in the eyes, impaired concentration, dyslexia, frequent blinking, shivering in the eyes, etc. However, the most serious consequence of strabismus can become blurred vision. Particularly dangerous it can be in childhood, when cockeye gradually becomes visually impaired, and lost the ability to bulk vision.
It is for this reason it is crucial to begin treatment. Turning this problem to German experts, you can be confident in the quality and reliability of the proposed diagnostic and therapeutic measures, as in Germany for the treatment of strabismus using the latest technologies and techniques.
For the diagnosis of strabismus used primarily various tests for vision testing and orthoptic tests (to check binocular vision). This excludes the presence of other diseases also had provoked strabismus, for example, diseases of the retina, optic nerve or intraocular malignant neoplasms (retinoblastoma). When paralytic strabismus must also conduct magnetic resonance imaging.
The purpose of diagnosis is to determine the type and causes of strabismus for appropriate treatment.
As the conservative treatment is usually assigned as follows:
• Selection of glasses for correction of refractive error, as well as prismatic glasses
• Special exercises for the eyes to eliminate the double image
• Occlusion therapy for amblyopia caused by strabismus. During this therapy alternately closes one eye for a certain period of time: thus activates the partially sighted eyes.
In some cases, for the treatment of strabismus is necessary to conduct operations on the eye muscles, for example, if the angle of deviation of the squinting eye is very large, or strabismus has a strong psychological burden on the patient.
According to statistics in Germany 80% of operated preschool children squint angle was corrected after the first operation. In other cases, we provide additional surgery because the eye position may change again.
Strabismus in young children is not always possible to recognize immediately that it is advisable to go for a routine inspection by an ophthalmologist and orthoptists. It must be remembered that, in severe cases in children may develop severe amblyopia, which becomes irreversible, from school age.
For an appropriate complex treatment and individual approach possible to achieve a successful outcome in the treatment of strabismus.