To make a correct diagnosis, certainly take a bit of a tumor or enlarged lymph node for morphological andimmunohistochemical study. It is very important for prognosis and treatment selection. Only such a complex,comprehensive analysis allows accurate diagnosis and effective treatment of conduct.
To accurately know whether enlarged lymph nodes and what is their number in those parts of the body that can not be seen by external examination, it is necessary to do a CT scan. Stage of the disease set by the system «Ann-Arbor», which reflects what organs and lymph nodes affected.
Treatment of anaplastic large cell lymphoma depends on the presence or absence of tumor enzyme called «ALK». Revealit during immunohistochemical study of lymph node. If the enzyme ALK is, lymphoma called ALK-positive. Theselymphomas are treated successfully in 70% of cases. If softer, relatively small doses of medicines can not cure the patient, it is carried out with the support of chemotherapy vysokodozirovannuyu own cells. If ALK enzyme is not present,lymphoma called ALK-negative. Results of treatment of ALK-negative lymphomas slightly worse, but there are always newdrugs that help to improve the treatment of these patients.
Dixion firm works closely with cancer centers in Germany, where the medication is used for the latest advances in medicine.