Sprain - this is a common easy injury that does not require surgery, but nonetheless has itsrehabilitation period, so it is best to consult a doctor.
But often, the doctor is not there and you want to provide first aid. You need to follow a few steps that will speed recovery.
When a sprain treatment - it is quiet. You shouldkeep your hand steady, or feet. For this it is necessary to impose a tight bandage orimprovised means (elastic bandage, scarf), thencheck the muscle strength (joint undulymovable). In this case, a splint. Important pointoverlaps with the bus from the sides of the joint,which was injured!
Do not forget to make a cold compress, which can dull the pain and relieve swelling. The firstaid tensile also include application of special gels containing analgesic.
If there is bruising, then it is necessary to raise the injured limb to swelling has not increased.
After first aid rehabilitation period shall be not more than 10 days. But seek medical advice still stands, as for stretchingmay lie more serious injury.