
Endoscopy (from the Greek . Endo inside + skopeo explore) - minimally invasive surgery of internal organs using a special device - the endoscope. Depending on the application, the endoscope has a different name ( laparoscope Thoracoscope , hysteroscopy , cystoscopy , arthroscopy , etc.)
Laparoscopy (from Greek . Lapara belly + skopeo investigate ) - a method of study of the abdomen and pelvis through an endoscope inserted into it - a laparoscope . Laparoscope is introduced into man through a trocar . There are various configuration laparoscope , including additional equipment and endoscopic instruments .
Thoracoscopy (from the Greek . Thorax, thorakos chest, thorax + skopeo investigate ) - a method of study of the pleural cavity by means of an endoscope - thoracoscope . Thoracoscope introduced by puncture human chest .
Cystoscopy (from the Greek . Kystis bladder + skopeo investigate ) - a method of investigation of the internal surface of the bladder to means of an endoscope - a cystoscope . Cystoscope , depending upon the desired manipulation , it may be a diagnostic or operating .
Hysteroscopy (from the Greek . Hystera uterus + skopeo investigate ) - a method of investigation of the internal surface of the uterus through an endoscope inserted into it - the hysteroscope . Hysteroscope , depending upon the desired manipulation , it may be a diagnostic or operating if necessary surgery .
Arthroscopy (from the Greek . Arthron joint + skopeo investigate ) - a method of joint research by introducing an endoscope - arthroscope . There are various configuration arthroscope , including additional equipment and endoscopic instruments .

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