Application for Treatment

Epiduroscopy is modern medical- diagnostic procedure, which has become an integral part of minimally invasive neurosurgery.

Epiduroscopy - percutaneous endoscopic techniques by which produce survey nadobolochechnogo space and given colored three-dimensional images of basic anatomical structures located in the spinal cord (the dura mater, the yellow and the anterior longitudinal ligament, nerve trunks and blood vessels, adipose tissue). The technique allows to detect pathological changes in the type of seizures, adhesions, stenotic narrowing, inflammatory and fibrotic processes.
Epiduroscopy advantage is secure access, minimum anesthetic risk, the possibility of accurate, under visual control, biopsy, removal of scar- tissue changes various anatomic bypass obstacles, placing implants and stimulating electrodes, as well as installation of catheterization, providing long-term palliative therapy for neuro- neoplastic processes.

Epiduroscopy widely used in neurosurgical centers in Germany. This manipulation is used for pain in the spine unknown origin, with postoperative pain syndrome, if necessary differentiation epidural fibrosis that arose after those or other invasive procedures, with radiculopathy.

Using endoscopic technique , doctors may deliberately administered drugs, ie directly into the lesion. Epiduroscopy used by doctors as an aid in minimally invasive surgical interventions .

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