Innovative technology for treating prostate cancer is made in Germany.
Operating system "Da Vinci" is a modernsetting for minimally - invasive surgery(laparoscopy) for successful surgical treatment of prostate cancer, providing a precise and gentle removal of the prostate.
All patients with carcinoma of the prostate,which shows the classic abdominal surgery, ie, when the tumor is within the size of the prostate. In this case, the system of "Da Vinci" provides a high possibility of cure.
Advantages of treating prostate cancer with the help of the "Da Vinci":
Minimally invasive procedures
Minimal blood loss
Reducing pain
Not disturbed function correctly urination
Preserved sexual function
Accelerated healing of the surgical wound
Good cosmetic effect
rapid recovery
Benefits of treatment with the help of Da Vinci for doctor:
Three-dimensional image of surgical procedure
10-fold increase
Wide range of movement of the tool
Increased accuracy and mobility microtools
To avoid possible bias or "shake" hands operating doctor
When using this method instead of the usual surgical laparotomy, performed small incisions, 5 - 12 mm, through whichentered precision microsurgical instruments and operating the camera. Experienced specialists carry out the operation, is in close proximity to the patient.
The operating system is controlled by the operator and the doctor is under constant supervision.