Currently, methods of direct myocardial revascularization are an integral part of interventional cardiology . Every year they are becoming more popular and in demand , worthy competition coronary bypass .
Coronary stenting - restoring adequate lumen narrowed coronary arteries from the inside using a specially created for the devices - so-called " stents ".
Stents - small metal ( stainless steel , nitinol , tantalum ) tube with a characteristic fishnet mesh structure. Stents are placed on cylinders , thereby at an undisclosed condition they have very small dimensions. After balloon inflation under high pressure is directly in the coronary vessel lumen stent expands and stays in that position forever , playing the role of a scaffold for the artery.
In Germany, at the disposal of surgeons today have a variety of models of stents , different from each other by various design features. Regardless of the structure they are biocompatible , flexible structure and have sufficient elasticity to provide quality maintenance of blood vessel walls . Besides , they radiopaque , it is necessary for the subsequent monitoring of their condition.
Order of procedure
Coronary stenting are to install via the femoral or antecubital , subclavian artery 3 millimeter catheter , which is located at the end of the balloon . After administration of contrast material in the coronary using X-ray machine Dr. establish localization , number and degree of restriction , ie , in fact, performed coronary angiography , which allows to judge the appropriateness of stenting.
Then the balloon is inflated and the stent procedure is carried out properly . Lasts such interference can from 20-30 minutes to one hour . The entire process is displayed on the monitor.
Absolute contraindications for this procedure is not.
For relative contraindications include:
no objective evidence of ischemia , the degree of stenosis less than 50% , expressed disturbances in blood coagulation system ,
multivessel disease coronary bed with the presence of large areas of myocardial dysfunction in the localization of the stenotic site neinfartsirovannoy artery in patients with acute myocardial infarction , the inability to ensure adequate surgical support , predicted a low probability of success of angioplasty and the defeat of the left main coronary artery in the absence of contraindications to coronary artery bypass surgery .
To date, Germany - the undisputed world leader in the field of cardiac surgery . More than 50 % of all patients arriving in the country within the medical tourism comes to surgical treatment of coronary heart disease .