Medicinal properties of sea buckthorn
Application for Treatment
Medicinal properties of sea buckthorn
* Buckthorn juice - perfect antitussive . Use it for this purpose it is necessary with honey.

* For the prevention of upper respiratory tract inhalation recommended with sea buckthorn oil .

* In acute and chronic laryngitis or pharyngitis need to lubricate the mucosa with a cotton swab moistened with sea buckthorn oil , or oil do daily inhalation of 15 minutes.
The treatment course consists of 10 treatments .

* After removing the tonsils incision well lubricated buckthorn oil - this reduces the temperature reaction and helps cleanse and epithelialization of the wound surface .

* In acute and chronic sinusitis in the maxillary sinus is injected 4-5 ml of sterile sea buckthorn oil .

* Berries and sea-buckthorn juice - one of the best means of prevention and treatment of hypo - and avitaminosis .
Fruits of sea buckthorn - a natural multivitamin concentrate which can be stored frozen until spring.
Berries may be preserved with sugar (1:1).

* With a lack of vitamins and anemia use infusion buckthorn berries .

* Drink buckthorn pleasantly refreshing and thirst-quenchers .

* When scurvy popularly used seabuckthorn tea 5 g of dried leaves of sea buckthorn brewed 1 cup boiling water .

* Sea buckthorn oil - a valuable tool for the treatment of hypo-and avitaminosis . It improves lipid metabolism and increases the protein content in the liver stimulates regenerative processes in the damaged tissues (including liver cells after intoxication ) .

* Berries and juice of sea buckthorn is used in treatment of patients with toxic hepatitis .

* Increasing levels of endogenous ( available in the body) antioxidants contribute buckthorn and sea buckthorn oil .

* Juice of sea buckthorn , sea buckthorn oil and tincture shoots ( shoots and water ratio 1:5) promote excretion of radionuclides (although this support is more promising than the real ) . Therefore, sea buckthorn can be used for some symbolic support to people living in the area of radioactive contamination (strictly speaking - these areas should immediately leave ) . Buckthorn fruits , moreover, are an important source of vitamins B1 and C , a small degree promotes the excretion of radioactive metal .

* Sea Buckthorn berries have an effect on the motility of the intestines and have antibacterial properties.

* At low acidity of gastric juice , with atonic constipation recommended fresh fruit and juice of sea buckthorn.

* A decoction of the seeds of sea buckthorn - a great laxative.

* When gastric diseases drink a decoction of the sea buckthorn berries : 3 tablespoons berries poured 0.5 liters of hot water , boil for 10 minutes on low heat and strain , drink as tea 2-3 cups per day.

* Buckthorn berries decoction is used to treat ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.

* In chronic inflammatory processes in the small intestine and colon successfully used sea buckthorn oil .

* In the treatment of duodenal ulcers and stomach in many cases acts effectively treated buckthorn oil : it should take 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.
With increased acidity of gastric sea buckthorn oil be neutralized magnesia or soda solution .

* When erosive and ulcerative proctitis and sfinkteritah , cracks anus , internal hemorrhoids appoint candles with sea buckthorn oil .

* In the treatment of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract , with diarrhea used a decoction of the leaves and twigs of sea buckthorn.
Pour 1 tablespoon minced raw 1 cup of cold water, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes on low heat , insist 30 minutes and filtered.
Drink at a time , if necessary , repeat the treatment .

* In folk medicine for the treatment of skin diseases and apply the juice concoctions sea buckthorn .

* In case of allergic skin diseases ( dermatitis, eczema ) , venous ulcers , and radiation dermatitis prepare a broth based on 20 g sea buckthorn to 1 cup water . Boiled for 15 minutes , insist 30 minutes , filtered and taken during the day on 100 g orally or in the form of compresses .

* If frostbite, burns, pustular diseases is recommended to apply to the affected area of the skin fresh sea buckthorn berries .

* In the treatment of skin diseases beneficial effect baths with infusion of twigs and leaves of sea buckthorn.

* Sea buckthorn oil is used for healing of radiation injuries of the skin, burns, trophic ulcers , frostbite , bedsores , eczema , psoriasis , Darier's disease , peptic lupus, poorly healing wounds and fractures.
Exposed skin well washed with an antiseptic , slightly dried, pipetted sea buckthorn oil , cover with sterile gauze and tape up with wax paper . Fold change in a day.
The course of treatment lasting 4-6 weeks and sometimes longer.

* Sea buckthorn oil is also used in ophthalmology ( if damaged cornea - burns, keratitis and other diseases , especially the anterior part of the eye) and dental ( in inflammation of the pulp of teeth and gums ) .

* Due to the content of vitamin K1 , phospholipids and betaine sea buckthorn oil prevents the development of atherosclerosis and improves the general condition in this disease , lowers cholesterol and reduces the frequency of angina attacks .
Contained in fruits of sea buckthorn beta-sitosterol has anti-sclerotic effect , so buckthorn is useful in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and age-related changes in the elderly.

* The leaves and fruits of plants are coumarins prevent the formation of clots in blood vessels .

* In gynecological practice, sea buckthorn oil is used for healing of cervical erosion , erosive and ulcerative with obesity, endotservitsitah , endometritis , cervicitis .
Swab moistened with abundant sea buckthorn oil , lubricate the affected areas previously cleaned mucosa. At cervical erosion tampons soaked liberally oil is introduced into the vagina and pressed against the surface eroded . Tampons are changed daily .
Treatment -5-15 days (if necessary, repeat after 4-6 weeks).

* In the sea buckthorn contains large amounts of vitamin D, so it is widely used to increase potency .
Seabuckthorn is useful not only for people over 40 years, but those young men who are having difficulties due to the potency. Juice, fresh fruit , salad oils, will help solve this problem.

* Fruits and leaves of sea buckthorn excrete excess uric acid and oxalic acid . In folk medicine in the treatment of rheumatism and gout, as well as in diabetes used an infusion of the leaves of sea buckthorn (10 g per 1 cup of boiling water ).

* Sea buckthorn oil - a valuable tool in oncology. In the treatment of esophageal cancer with X-rays sea buckthorn oil appoint 0.5 tablespoon 2-3 times a day during the entire course of treatment , as well as 2-3 weeks after the event.

* Patients with malignant tumors is also useful alcoholic extract of sea buckthorn bark.

• Sometimes there is idiosyncrasy buckthorn and manufactured from her medications.
• Sea buckthorn oil is contraindicated in acute cholecystitis , pancreatic diseases and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
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