Vitiligo is common for people of any race, but it is more noticeable in people with dark skin.The disease begins with the appearance of small white spots, which will eventuallyincrease in size and quantity. Correctly chosen treatment can stop or slow the spread of vitiligo in the body, and even returndepigmented skin a little color.
Vitiligo diagnosis
Diagnosis is based on the typical symptomsof vitiligo and medical examination data. Of great importance is the history of the disease, so the physician collects data on a variety of issues:
whether the family relatives suffering fromvitiligo or autoimmune diseases
the degree of sensitivity of the patient tosunlight
whether there were manifestations of rash, sunburn and other skin lesions within 2-3 months from onset ofdepigmentation
if the patient has a melanoma or atypical moles
Early graying of hair (under 35 years), myocardial stress or illness.
The main methods of diagnosis of vitiligo include:
biopsy of the lesion
a blood test for antibodies
inspection and analysis of blood on thyroid function
The main symptom of the disease is the appearance of the skin areas lacking pigmentation. Less commonsymptoms of vitiligo following:
premature graying of hair on the scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows
discoloration of the oral mucosa
modification or the disappearance of color of the iris
Despite the fact that the appearance of vitiligo is possible anywhere on the body, typically the formation of spots on the hands, feet, arms, face and lips. Genitals may also be involved in the pathological process. The disease can begin at any age, but most often it occurs in the period between 10 and 30 years.
There are three main types of vitiligo:
Generalized form. The most common type where spots are located in different areas of the body, typically a symmetric manner.
segmental form. The disappearance of the pigment is shown on one side (segment) of the body
focal form. Depigmentation observed only in sections 1-2
Predict the natural course of vitiligo is extremely difficult. Sometimes stains stop spread without any treatment, but often pigment loss continues, and melanin deprived areas may appear on the surface of the skin anywhere on the body.
Treatment of vitiligo is complex. Only such an approach adopted in Israel, gives positive results.Photosensitizing combination therapy and modern hardware allows treatments to a pronounced improvement in the health status of patients.
The goal of treatment of vitiligo is the creation of the same skin color by reduction or elimination of the missingcolor pigmentation in the remaining areas. Treatment cycle lasts from 6 to 18 months. In the treatment of vitiligoin Israel a set of measures could also include mud wraps and vitamin rate as in the body of patients with this disease are deficient in vitamin C and copper.
Basic types of treatment
topical treatment with steroids (ointment against depigmentation)
PUVA - therapy (PUVA - Psoralen UltraViolet). Psoralen ointment is applied to the white areas of the skin and protect it from ultraviolet radiation
PUVA - bath. Immersion in a bath of psoralen for 15 minutes before going outdoors
Psoralen tablets. Taken 2 hours before going outside
Treatment with ultraviolet rays
laser treatment
Microwave resonance therapy
Surgical treatment: skin grafts or by applying pigment tattoo