Aneurysm - a protrusion of the arterial wall(at least - a vein) due to its thinning orstretching.
The cause may be congenital or acquireddefects of the tunica vessels.
Angiography ("gold standard" diagnostic)
CT angiography (less invasive, but notalways as informative as angiography)
MR angiography (has no radiation exposure, but may be less informative thanCT angiography)
Doppler ultrasound (quite informative method)
Upon detection of any form of aneurysmsrequire surgery.
Previously used for these purposes classical surgery. The operation was in the excision of the damaged portionof the vessel and its replacement with a fragment of plastic prosthetic blood vessel or other body parts.
Today, for the treatment of such pathologies is used endovascular surgery.
Forms of the disease
Cerebral aneurysms
aortic aneurysm
Aneurysm, peripheral vascular
cardiac aneurysm