German Insurance for non-residents
Application for Treatment

Dixion company offers health insurance in Germany.

Insurance provided by Dixion, is the first step to enter the German insurance system. 
The basic condition for  the German insurance  is the availability of e-mail addresses in Germany and a German bank account.

Dixion company will help you:

  • to issue postal address
  • sort and redirect mail to Your e-mail address
  • replenish your account balance and receive correspondence from the bank
  • choose the tariff premiums

The cost of insurance depends on the chosen conditions and varies from 80 to 290 €  per person per month. 
The cost of the company  '' Dixion ''  is, including all taxes and fees  70 € per month. 
Primary processing of documents for submission to the insurance company and help opening a bank account, including all taxes and fees is  100 €.
Translation of documents (optional) from German into Russian is calculated at the rate of  40 € (plus 19% VAT) for 1 A4 sheet.

Rates for insurance in Germany:

  • Expat private premium
  • Expat private
  • Expat flexible

Insurance protection is valid for legal cases up to one million euros worldwide, with the involvement of the insured in the amount of 500 euros for each case. Until the above limit insurance company incurs expenses for attorneys' fees and court costs.

In addition to your medical insurance abroad you are given free insurance costs of legal assistance for patients abroad.

At your request, you will be recommended a lawyer who specializes in medical law, in the event that if doctors or medical staff made ​​mistakes during treatment, causing you to have suffered one or other damage. Although trust is the foundation of the relationship doctor and patient, but errors can make and doctors. In such cases, the patient may be very difficult in the proceedings of this nature to prove the fact of a medical error. In most cases, the proceedings conducted not directly with the doctor and with the insurance company of the doctor. 
Medical errors can be considered improper, incorrect or untimely treatment of the patient's doctor. 
If the doctor before starting treatment did not inform you of the need, as well as the risks of treatment, then it is an error during medical consultations, for which also the insurance coverage. This concerns not only doctors, but also medical personnel, therapists, pharmacists and nursing staff in respect of which legal protection of patients acts in the same way.>

Health insurance

People in need of medical care abroad, need fast, competent and effective support. Therefore, the company has included in the concept of insurance Assistance program with appropriate services, as well as support in case of emergency.

Medical Assistance for the insured
The program of assistance includes the following services :
    Skilled multi- language " hotline" support in case of emergency , operating 24 hours a day
    International network of health care providers
    Information on suppliers of medical ( dental ) services (eg , names, addresses, phone numbers and opening hours of doctors, dentists , hospitals and clinics within the region of the seat )
    Advise patients in normal and emergency
    Help in time of appointment of the doctor , as well as in hospitals for the purpose of ambulatory care
    Organization of hospitalization in case of illness
    Support and counseling of family members providing information about the features of health care in the host country
    Organize the exchange of information between the family doctor and the hospital , and , if necessary, send messages
    Support for purchase , as well as delivery of drugs, prescription (if permitted by law)
    Providing services of translators and interpreters
    International access to medical information in German and English
    Advice and support in the event of loss of important documents , as well as means of payment

In addition to these services the company can request to assume the costs for the following services:

The evacuation in case of emergency , as well as transportation to a suitable hospital in case of medical necessity
Organization and to assume the costs for transportation in deaths to 10,000 euros

These services customers can enjoy 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.

Treatment on-line cost calculation