Clinic and Institute of Aesthetic Medicine occupies an area of over 3500 m2 and is considered as one of the biggest and most modern aesthetic medicine clinics in Central Europe .
Activity Clinic Aesthetic Medicine is very diverse. Customers are offered a wide range of aesthetic services such as facials, laser dermatology , plastic surgery and dentistry .
We offer
• High-quality services at affordable prices
• The whole range of aesthetic medicine under one roof
• Free E-mail consultations with doctors
• While in the clinic, you will be our assistants, speaking in Russian
• We have thousands of customers from abroad, operated
• Individual approach
Department of Plastic Surgery has three modern operating rooms , two intensive care units , six chambers. Branch has an independent ventilation and air conditioning .
All rooms are equipped with a special ventilation system, creating a laminar air flow , which prevents air from flowing from adjacent premises in operating . Two halls - very aseptic intended for operations in extra sterile conditions. For example , abdominal surgery , liposuction , breast reshaping etc. The third operating room is for less complex operations.
All operating rooms are equipped with the most modern anesthesia and respiratory equipment , instruments , monitors tracking the main parameters of the body.
All chambers are comfortably equipped (toilet, shower , modern bed , TV , DVD) drive and equipped with oxygen.
Department of Dermatology
Department of Dermatology has 10 rooms equipped with innovative laser equipment . (Lasers Vbeam, Smoothbeam, Mosaic, CO2, Alexlazr, Ellipse I2PL, LED Light, Fidelis, Gentle YAG, Speczra VRM, Multidiode, Maestro; biostimulating machine Omnilux Revive, Blue). Due to such a wide range of lasers , doctors can offer clients customized treatments .
Modern laser equipment enables you to painlessly and effectively remove birthmarks , fibroids , papillomas , warts, tattoos , as well as reduce wrinkles , remove rosacea , rejuvenate the skin , get rid of acne.
Along with the laser procedure is very popular contouring conducted using preparations of botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid.
Branch Dental Clinic is considered one of the best in the Czech Republic. It is caused by highly qualified specialists ( including candidates and doctors of medical sciences ) , advanced technology, innovative treatments , advanced equipment , personal touch.
Branch has ten dental surgeries , each of which is equipped in accordance with international standards.
3D CT X-ray, lets you see all dental disease , starting from the early stages of tooth decay to serious abnormalities in the bone of the teeth ; ortopantomogramma , or, more simply , a panoramic shot ; Dental robot CEREC, serving for the manufacture of ceramic crowns, inlays , veneers ; Diagnostic microscope OPMI pico, allowing a high degree of accuracy to handle hard-to- place (for example , root canals ); dental lasers to help whiten your teeth , determine caries, gum conduct minor surgery without blood ; personal dental laboratory - all this allows our physicians to provide the full range of dental services at the global level (treatment, teeth whitening , dentures and implants , cosmetic dentistry , orthodontics , oral hygiene , etc.)
The clinic is a Czech representative American Academy of Implant Dentistry, American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. Dentists clinic taught at Charles University , lectures at international congresses.
High professionalism of doctors confirmed by certificates of foreign and Czech universities.