RadPrax Düsseldorf
Application for Treatment
RadPrax Düsseldorf

The radprax Institute for Preventative Medicine is a health care provider for businesses and private clients.

They offer companies and private clients preventative tests at the highest level of expertise and technology in the areas of radiology and internal diagnostics. They also offer holistic and effective health consultations.

The Full-body MRI

With full-body magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), modern medicine has the ability to detect whether hidden diseases are lurking somewhere in your body. Some physical changes are accompanied by hard-to-pinpoint symptoms such as exhaustion, night sweats, or dizziness. This examination offers a fast and accurate check-up of the body.

Lasting about 30 minutes, this procedure includes a thorough examination of the head, stomach, lymph nodes, and pelvis in order to rule out abnormalities.

The Full-body MR Angiography

The full-body MR angiography is the ideal method for producing three-dimensional images of the arteries to search for vasoconstriction and vascular obliteration at all levels of the body. This procedure yields findings about the most important arteries in the body such as:

  • head and neck arteries,
  • darteries in the thorax and stomach,
  • as well as pelvic and leg arteries.

This method renders more and more obsolete the earlier standard method of digital subtraction angiography (DSA), which required X-rays and the insertion of a catheter. A contrast agent will be used in all examined areas of the body (except in the cranial angiography), which will be injected into a vein in the arm as in all MRI scans. By using a contrast agent without iodine (gadolinium DTPA), almost no allergic reactionscan be expected.

The Cardiac MRI

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), also known as nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, is ideally suited for a variety of examinations of the heart and cardiac region.

The five main areas of application

1. Depicting the morphology, or structure, of the heart. Diagnosis of tissue alterations and tumors. Diagnosis of heart deformities and of the great vessels.

2. Depicting the movements of the cardiac muscle and cardiac valves. Diagnosis of irregular heart movements and problems with valve functioning.

Prostate MRI

Prostate cancer is an increasingly important disease, as it is the most common kind of tumor found in men. The rates for successful treatment have improved dramatically in the last few years, thanks to therapy treatments with operations and medicines, among others.

3. Depicting cardiac function. Diagnosis of problems in cardiac output.

4. Evaluating the cardiac muscle. Diagnosis of inflammation and scars – is there scar tissue that could still be rescued through intervention (a stent or bypass) following a heart attack?

5. Evaluating blood flow in the cardiac muscle to look for abnormalities in the coronary vessels. For this procedure, medicine will be administered for a controlled increase in the level of stress on the heart (stress MRI).
A thorough examination of the prostate gland is required for the early detection and diagnosis of prostate cancer. Imaging procedures are by far superior to other examination methods: it is only possible to obtain unambiguous exam results with the help of the most modern technology. Thus the failure rate for identifying the stage of prostate cancer without using imaging techniques is 30 to 72 percent of all cases. For the sake of the patient’s health we use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), a modern combination that does little harm to the patient. Magnetic fields are used in these procedures, rather than X-rays. Abnormal developments in the prostate such as prostate cancer are easy to detect with MRI and MRS. The examination also provides results for the lesser pelvis

The Breast MRI

In the past few years there has been a dramatic rise in the incidence of breast cancer – even among younger women.

The early and accurate diagnosis of breast cancer is only possible with regular preventative exams performed with the most technologically-advanced medical equipment. The breast MRI has a growing importance for breast cancer prevention.

The latest scientific data show that the breast MRI offers a clear advantage over mammography for diagnosing breast cancer in its preliminary stages. Breast tissue of younger women particularly dense glandular tissue can be much more accurately examined with MRI than with other procedures. Even patients with a previous episode of breast cancer can benefit from the MRI scan as it is the best way to rule out new cancerous growth.

The PET/CT Scan

The PET/CT examination employs a combination of two different imaging techniques: positron emission tomography (PET) and computer tomography (CT). Each procedure works differently and therefore they each produce different images and data.

PET is a diagnostic technique already in use for over 15 years that uses nuclear medicine to produce images of metabolic processes in body cells. For a PET scan the patient is given a small amount of a radionuclide known as a tracer. The distribution patterns in the body cells can then be imaged with the PET camera.

The CT scan is used in X-ray diagnostics. It works with X-rays that pass through the patient’s body. This procedure produces images of various tissues and the interior structures of the patient’s body such as bones, internal organs and body cavities represented in high-contrast, grey-toned images. With this method even variations in organ thickness can be shown, thus providing important indications of possible cancerous masses or other diseases.

Germany  //   Düsseldorf  //   Diagnostics        
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