Vaccination against HPV (human papilloma virus human) - dangerous or effective?

Human papillomavirus (HPV - Human Papillomavirus) - can only be transmitted from person to person and causes a change in the nature of the growth of epithelial tissue (skin and mucous membranes). Some of the viruses can cause severe anogenital tract (genital organs and the anal area) men and women and genital warts (some of them are harmless, some cause cancer).
In the United States, in 2006, was developed vaccine Gardasil, which is recommended for use as protection against cervical cancer.
In recent years, Gardasil is often mentioned in connection with the appearance of serious complications (side effects), until death (the cause of 49 deaths).

Why is Gardasil was approved for use?

Already until June 2009, this vaccine has been introduced 15 million girls. Of course, 49 deaths - and a small number may be compared with 15 million, but other than that zafiksiroovano and a large number of side effects, often very heavy. The number of such cases was so high that the organization Yudikal Watch ((Judicial Watch) - a non-partisan government agency oversight) was charged with corruption organization, to authorize the initial drugs and vaccines in the action, namely the FDA.
Between May 2009 and September 2010, there were 3589 recorded cases of dangerous side reactions and 16 deaths associated with the use of the vaccine Gardasil. In 213 patients ascertained disability, 25 patients diagnosed with Guillain - Barre, and noted 789 cases of other serious adverse events. All the information published in documents the FDA (Food and Drug Administration - Agency Department of Health and Human Services to oversee the Food and Drug Administration).

Compulsory vaccinations for immigrants?

In August 2008, the Center for Disease Control has introduced mandatory vaccination for girls aged 11 to 26 years if they are planning to immigrate to the United States. Putting these mandatory vaccination was made possible by the law of 1996, according to which immigrants were instructed to make all necessary vaccinations by the relevant departments of the Government of the United States to a specific period of time. The difference between Americans and immigrants was that the Americans had the right to refuse vaccinations, but immigrants - no. This law was repealed by 14 December 2009, but at that time a large number of immigrants (mostly female) have already passed the compulsory vaccination.
In 28 women among the vaccinated within 30 days after administration of the vaccine Gardasil was recorded spontaneous abortion (miscarriage). However, the FDA (the organization issuing the permit for introduction into circulation of drugs and vaccines) stated that it is possible and there is no connection between such side effects and the vaccine itself. But some civil servants still have begun to publicly voice their doubts about the need for such a vaccine.
Scientists who participated in the development of Gardasil published their observations made during the study of the vaccine - so in particular, argued that the spectrum of this vaccine "falls" ovarian cancer, besides the drug in any case should not be administered to children under 15 years .
But the FDA has not listened to these vysskazyvanie, and the vaccine still offered (and offers today!) To introduce children to 9 years.

During the presentation at the Fourth International Conference on Vaccines Dr. Diane Harper (representative of the group of scientists of the drug development) rather than just advertise this vaccine elaborated on the many serious side effects of the vaccine. She pointed out that the risk of serious complications after the introduction of the vaccination is much higher than the risk of malignant tumors of the anogenital region. The audience was shocked by the report.

So, experts said its say and research results were published -Gardasil uniquely named a dangerous vaccine.

Oddly enough, but today Gardasil is authorized agents. Imposed few restrictions - or so-called "contra": the presence of the patient's allergy to the drug itself or its components; pregnancy.

The American manufacturer Merck expanded the range of the vaccine against HPV types 5. Gardasil 9 successfully passed clinical trials in the US and has also been approved for use.
Among the more than two hundred different viruses variant HPV types 16 and 18 are high-risk types, in terms of the etiology of cervical cancer. In 70% of cases of cervical cancer, these two kinds of HPV are the cause of it. Authorised use of the vaccine Gardasil and Cervarix cover both types. Gardasil also covers two types of the virus with a low risk of 6 and 11, which cause most cases of genital warts occurrence (of which carcinoma is extremely rare).

But there is another species of high-risk HPV is a 31, 33,45,52 and 58. It is on these viruses and further action EXTEND new vaccine American proizvoditelya- Merck (MSD in Germany-). Thus, according to the information FDA new drug Gardasil 9 has a potential of nearly 90% to minimize the formation of malignant diseases in the anogenital tract. This vaccination is permitted for children 9 years old.

Many are concerned about - and as is the case with medical rather than a preventive vaccine. Is there such a vaccine today?

Unfortunately, this vaccine is still under development. The fact that all currently existing HPV vaccines protect our body against infection with HPV, but do not act against existing viruses in the body, and can not heal the changes of human cells that have occurred as a result of life in them papillomaviruses. Therapeutic vaccine will be effective only if it is not only effective against the papilloma viruses themselves, but against cell structure changes caused by these viruses, and therefore it should be able to activate our immune system so that it recognized a cell itself viruses and destroy them as foreign.

These drugs have already been successfully tested on animals - scientists were able to achieve complete involution of tumor cells caused by papilloma viruses. To date, clinical trials of the drug in humans - it appears their effectiveness in cancer of the uterus, anogenital tract tumors, tumors of the brain and neck. Scientists believe that a vaccination may not be enough in such situations, to heal the sick - the treatment is likely to be complex, combining long-term vaccination and surgical intervention and drug therapy.

But here's the question - whether to vaccinate their children or not will have to decide for yourself.

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