The benefits of apples

Apples are one of the most popular and favorite fruits.
In fresh apples contain 13 vitamins, many valuable macro- and micronutrients, such as phosphorus, iron, calcium and magnesium, etc.

Vitamins A, C, E, improve vision, update and maintain the immune cells. The high potassium content ensures the health of the nervous and muscular systems, and apple fruit acids dissolve uric acid in the body, protecting against gout and rheumatism.
Apple keeps fructose concentration and normal blood sugar levels. Pectin - unique vegetable fibers - is able to dissolve in water, is absorbed through the intestinal wall into the blood, it absorbs cholesterol and excreted.

When roasting the amount of pectin contained in apples increases, which goes only to the benefit of the body, but unfortunately, during the heat treatment destroys vitamin. Polyphenols and carotenoids protect against cancer and help to strengthen the heart and circulatory system.
With fiber stabilizes intestinal flora and stimulates digestion.
Red apples contain beta-carotene, which can cause allergies, while as green apples hypoallergenic.
Apples also contain catechine that protect against pulmonary and bronchial diseases.
Depending on the variety of apples contain different amounts of vitamins. It is therefore advisable to use different varieties of apples to get the whole range of vitamins.

European dietitians, proper nutrition advocates argue that an apple a day will save you from trips to the doctor.
Scientists have found that the dried apples have an even greater positive effect. They not only reduce the level of cholesterol, but also help to combat weight. After the daily consumption of 75 grams of dried apples in half a year, the level of "bad" cholesterol is reduced by 23%, while, as the good cholesterol increased by 4%. Body weight with the average may be reduced by 1.5 kg, improves the function of the heart and circulatory system. It is important to bear in mind that dried apples calories 6 times more than fresh, and they do not contain vitamin C.

Apples are often treated with chemicals and wax to protect against pests and to extend shelf life. The treated fruit peel must be cut. Therefore, the use of Bio supermarket apples preferable.

Apples are widely used in cooking. But if a fresh apple is useful, it is not always the same thing can be said of dishes made of them or of the processed fruit.

For example, apple juice contains a considerable amount of sugar, the caloric value of 46 kcal / 100 ml, which is equivalent to the calorie content of Coca-Cola. It is not surprising that the apple juice does not contain so many vitamins as fresh fruit (fresh apples in 100g - 12 mg of vitamins in the juice - 4 mg).

Grated apples good use in mild indigestion. Malic and tartaric acid contained in apples have a bactericidal effect - inhibit the growth of spoilage bacteria, normalizing the digestive process.

Apples with a tart flavor that darken after bite, contain high amounts of iron. They are especially useful for pregnant women to raise the level of hemoglobin, as well as those who suffer from increased fragility of blood vessels and anemia.

Nutritionists suggest spending apple fasting days, which can eat up to 1.5 kg of fresh apples.
Eat apples in any form and be healthy!

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