Nanotechnology applications in cardiology
Application for Treatment
Nanotechnology applications in cardiology

Recent advances in nanotechnology allow to use them in various areas of medicine, but of particular importancenanotehnoligii have today in the treatment of cardiac diseases. In our time has become possible early diagnosis of heart disease using molecular imaging, idiosyncratic diagnostic probes for the detection of coronary artery thrombosisprocesses and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

Early diagnosis using nanotechnology in cardiology

In the successful treatment of heart disease an important role is played by the early detection of disease. Nanotechnology applications in cardiology completely overturned the idea of ​​diagnostic techniques and methods that have been appliedto the sensational discoveries. And today, you get the picture lesions of atherosclerosis in the walls of the coronary vesselsusing perflyuorouglerodnyh nanoparticles.

Treatment of heart disease using nanotechnology

Application of nanomaterials and nanotechnology in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system today is gaining its momentum. Previously used methods of treatment, such as the use of low-intensity ultrasound to rid patientsof arterial thrombosis, showed good results. But with the addition of nanobubbles magnified thrombolytic effect of ultrasound, the effectiveness of this method has increased tenfold. After the introduction of nanobubbles in the affected areas of the veins, they provide fast mechanical disruption of thrombus, which saves patients from surgery andundesirable consequences.

New advances in the application of nanotechnology for the treatment of cardiac diseases

One of the latest discoveries was the use nanocontainers for drug delivery to the affected heart cells. Scientist PatrickBasel, has been studying this method of treatment, maintains that the method has successfully passed the first clinical trials on animals. The results showed that nanocontainers, specially coated, easily recognize "sick" cells of the heart and deliver the drug is in the diseased areas. This method can save patients from the side effects which are inherent in anytherapeutic agent when treating a particular disease when the drug affects healthy cells.

Thus, we can safely say that advances in nanotechnology can make treatment more effective any disease withoutharming other organs and tissues. It is noteworthy that this approach to treating diseases of the immune system are notaffected person, which makes this technique particularly attractive.

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