Fever of unknown origin is a clinical case in which there is a persistent and prolonged feverin the absence of any reason. Outside temperature in this case - from 38 degrees Celsius. Fever is particularly prevalent among children and to determine its possible symptoms such as high temperature for a long time and for no apparent reason, muscle pain and headache, malaise, and weakness. Typically, such a feverlasts for three weeks or more.
Fever is not an independent disease and its causes can be various kinds of diseases requiringsurgical treatment. Modern treatment in Germany today focuses on fever of unknown origin in children, identify its causes, diagnosis of diseases with fever and eliminate them.
Causes of fever
The most frequent reasons for the emergence of Fever of unknown origin are infectious diseases. In this case, the diagnosismust take into account that almost all infections cause the appearance of fever. It is therefore important aspect of diagnosis is history.
As fever of unknown origin can cause bacterial infections, including:
- Purulent inflammation of the abdominal cavity - the risk of their occurrence is particularly high in the case of various injuries, gynecological interventions and operations in history.
- Tuberculosis - the most common cause of Fever of unknown origin in adults and the most rare in children. In this case, the determination of the disease focuses on finding and lymph node biopsies.
- Infective endocarditis - can greatly complicate diagnosis of the disease if no cardiac noise or if negative bacteriologicalblood culture.
- Osteomyelitis - a disease characterized by local pain in the bones, however, the changes are visible with X-rayexamination, may appear only in a few weeks.
More rare diseases causing LNG are viral infections. However, these causes of Fever of unknown origin observed mainly in older people. Also cause fever are the following diseases:
- Parasitic infections - malaria, leishmaniasis, and others;
- Various neoplasms;
- Granulomatous disease;
- Fever drug origin, induced by administration of various antibiotics and medications, vaccines - in this case, removal of the drug is required, then the symptoms will fever for several days;
- Diseases of the endocrine system.
Today treatment in Germany fever of unknown origin occurs when using modern methods of diagnosis and treatment,which allow to identify the disease as quickly as possible, then remove it and associated consequences.
Diagnosis of diseases in the Fever of unknown origin
When the diagnosis of diseases in the case of Fever of unknown origin primarily used laboratory data - complete blood count, hemoglobin level, urinalysis, biochemical blood tests patient bacteriological urine culture, blood and phlegm. Also necessary to conduct a thorough inspection of the endocrine system and to evaluate the data obtained from the analysisof the functions of the thyroid gland.
Also, when installing the diseases that cause fever, used instrumental performance - x-ray of the abdomen and chest, CT and MRI, ultrasound examination of the pelvis and abdomen, EX, liver biopsy, lymph nodes and other organs, where thereare any any changes.
The choice of method of instrumental diagnosis is based on data obtained in laboratory studies, and appointed with suspected or that disease. Today is particularly prevalent in the treatment of fever of unknown origin in Germany - herediagnosis and treatment of diseases and their consequences is held by modern medical technologies and the latest drugsand allows a fast and effective treatment.